View our recent projects and high performance homes

Code compliance and Aerobarrier were performed on this house. We were able to go from 0.9 ACH to 0.3 ACH.

Air leakage testing was performed on this high-performance house.

Aerobarrier was performed on one side of this semi-detached unit. We were able to go from 3.4 ACH to 0.9 ACH.

Energuide rating system was completed on this Net-Zero Energy Ready container house.

Green rater scope and compartmentalization testing was performed on this LEED platinum building.

Energuide rating and air leakage testing was performed on this Strawbale house.

Energuide rating and air leakage testing was performed on these near-Net-Zero semi-detached units.

Energuide rating and air leakage testing was perfomed on this Net-Zero home.

Air leakage testing was completed on this Net-Zero energy semi-detached house.

Air leakage testing was performed on this Net-Zero house.

Ecosynergy did the consulting, energuide ratings and air leakage testing on three homes. One is Net-Zero, one is Net-Zero ready, and one is near Net-Zero.

2012 Edmonton Full House Lottery home. Ecosynergy assisted in project management and coordination.